Some colour to brighten up your day! An easy and fun way to get your daily dose of fruits 🍑🍐🍎🥝🍊🍓🍒. Make a bunch for a quick snack that adults and kids will love!
[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]
- Yellow- mango + pineapple
- Pink- strawberries
- Purple- blueberries + raspberries
- Green-spinach + kale + star fruits
[directions title=”Directions”]
- Blend each fruit combination to make main 4 colours
- Mix each of the colours to get other colours (ie yellow and pink for the orange)
- Spoon each of the colours one by one into Popsicle mold, you can use a butter knife or straw to pull at the sides for the ‘tie-dye’ effect
- Tip- for REALLY vibrant colours add a tiny bit of gel food colouring