- Who doesn’t love a good chimichurri? Herby garlicky goodness in one sauce! It’s the perfect way to add extreme amounts of flavour to your foods for little effort to no effort. Best part is you throw all the ingredients into a food processor or blender and let it do ALL the work. This chimichurri stores well in the fridge, just whip it out and add it to your meats, potatoes, dips even your morning eggs! It pretty much pairs perfectly with anything!
[ingredients title=”Chimichurri Ingredients”]
- 1 cup chadon beni, roughly chopped
- 4 cloves garlic, roasted
- 1/4 cup Garlic infused oil
- 1/4 of a small onion
- 1/2 tsp chili flakes
- 1/2 tsp lemon juice
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- 1/2 tsp red wine vinegar
[directions title=”Chimichurri Directions”]
- Add all ingredients into a food processor or blender. Gradually add coconut oil while blending until a smooth consistency is achieved.
Uses- use as condiment, season vegetables and meat before baking or as a sauce on top of vegetables! Mix with sour cream for the perfect dip with crudités or chips!